Our Service

The services offered by our company are global and designed to satisfy the requirements of the customers. Realizing the dynamic demands of time, ITC was incorporated primarily to provide valuable consulting and services. ITC as a service provider, brokered high performance American partners for joint ventures in the Africa and the Arab world. This is done through:

  1. ITC conducts market analyses and implements PR activities, identifies suitable partners, makes the contacts and supports the companies when they enter the Arab and regional market.
  2. .ITC introduce foreign technology and know how into the region to create jobs.
  3. ITC link with innovative, financially strong partners who are ready to engage in business in the region.
  4. Establishment of "Centers of Excellence" in local regions.
  5. Brokering joint venture partners
    1. Analysis of requirements
    2. Selection and investigation of suitable companies
    3. Contact, coordination and communications
  6. .Consulting and project management
    1. Advice on strategy, financing and risk hedging
    2. Development of efficient organization and management structures
    3. Local project management
  7. Support
    1. Conducting negotiations and conflict management
    2. Intercultural training and entrepreneur coaching
    3. Information on the economy, politics and culture
    4. PR and marketinge
  8. Areas of Expertise
    1. Medical and Nursing
    2. Construction and Infrastructure
    3. Communications/IT
    4. Consultation
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